
01_tearaway ©Kathryn Cooley
02_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
03_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
04_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
05_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
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08_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
09_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
10_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
11_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
12_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
13_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
14_tearaway ©Heroen Bollaert
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TearAway  F. noun. – A young person who behaves in an uncontrolled way and is often causing trouble. 

Imagine a few boxes dispatched on the stage – from which you’ll have to think out of. Imagine a trapeze that comes to life, at times as a friend, at others as an enemy. One quest:  to deconstruct the stereotypes conveyed by the aerial world, such as thinness, flexibility, elegance and sensuality. 

Tearaway is a mischievous show, an act of discontent as much as one of derision. Tearaway humorously erases the borders that society would like to draw between normality and marginality, but also those that separate the public from the artist on stage.

Suzon jumps out of the frame – completely and literally. On the trapeze,  she combines breakdance, vertical dance and zero gravity in an unusual and unprecedented manner.

A deep dive into the diary of someone in search of answers about identity, estheticism, about the body, and essentialism. 


A show from and with: Suzon Gheur
Co-director : Biel Jordà
Rigger & stage manager : Caroline Arter/Kathryn Cooley
Consultant rigger : Quique Llobet, Noé Mermin, Léa Vayrou
Co-choreographer & mentor : Chantal McCormick
Light design : Laura Hawkins, Adèle Evans, Valentin Boucq
Music composer : Karen Van Schaik
Sound and light manager : Valentin Boucq/Filipe Dos Santos
Texte & declamation adviser : Michèle Waucquaire
Physical theatre adviser : Miquel Borcelò
Communication support : Charlotte Smitt
Voices : Karen Van Schaik, Sara Martinez, Elio Dufailly, …

  • Belgo-Irish-Hispanic Coproduction 
  • Show designed for indoor venues or circus tent.
  • Show for all audience (scholar : from 10 years old)
  • Time : 50 mn
  • Creation 2022


Coproductions : Irish Aerial Creation Center &  Centre d’Investigació Escènica

Residency : Irish Aerial Creation Center [IE], La Roseraie [BE],  Centre d’Investigació Escènica [ES], Le Vaisseau [BE], Tout & Taxis [BE], Perplx – Unie Der Zorgelozen [BE].

With the support of : Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles – Service Général de la Création Artistique – Service des Arts Forain, du Cirque et de la Rue, Irish Arts Council, Bruxelles Wallonie International.

Special thanks to : Caroline Balon, Alex Allison, Ophélie Bouffil, Paul Thompson, Bibou, Isacs, Aires Libres, La Chouette Diffusion, …

Document to download:

Production package

Technical rider


Rabibochées 1 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées 17 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées 8 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées 6 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées 11 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées 7 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées 10 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées 5 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées bonus 2 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées bonus 3 ©doetsch.be
Rabibochées bonus 4 ©doetsch.be
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Rabibochées (Cute name to say “Patched up”, after a quarrel)
Collaboration between Cie Breaked & Cie L’Algue rousse.

Yes we are. The two of us, Lulu et Sasha. 
It’s been a long time and we are still here, laughing out loud.
Since when, how, we don’t know anymore. What we know is when the two of us are together, nothing is better. 
You laugh? Yes, then I laugh too. 
I play? Then you play too.

Hey ! That was too strong for me, it hurt and I didn’t like it. But surely, you’ll see, we’ll patch things up. Around a trick, at the edge of a burst of joy, in the middle of a spontaneous dancing moment”

“Rabibochées” is an ode to friendship, that bond that surrounds us every day, builds us, nourrishes us, and make us love life.

“Rabibochées” is a circus show without words, where circus techniques are the language. A show where the mouvements support the story and the relationship between the two characters, Sasha and Lulu.

“Rabibochées” is a door open onto two characters who already know each other, who play together in genderless games and will continue forever. Through agreements and disagreements, they juge the line of sincerety and understanding to continue building their relationship. 

Distribution :                                                        

A show from and with : Suzon Gheur & Jeanne Decuypere
Light designer & stage manager : Adèle Evans
Music composer : Olivier Thomas
Costume and scenography : Marie Kersten
Theatre eye : Valérie Joyeux
Graphic designer : Mélusine Gheur
Video maker : Alex Allison
Photographer : ©Doetsch.be
Accomplices : Pierre ViatourJeanne Delhausse 
Distribution : Céline Meurice – Nouveau Monde Diffusion

  • Belgian Production
  • Show for young audiences from 3yrs
  • Designed for indoor venues
  • Time : 40 mn
  • Creation 2024

Presse : 

La Pointe 03/06/2023

Credits : 

Coproductions : Pierre de Lune – Centre scénique jeune public de Bruxelles & Centre culturel du Brabant wallon 

With the support of : Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles – Service Général de la Création Artistique – Service des Arts Forain, du Cirque et de la Rue.

Residency & Partners : La Roseraie, la salle LacLémence, le Centre culturel du Wolubilis, la Fabrique de Théâtre, la Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek, Latitude 50 – Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue, le Centre culturel de Liège – les Chiroux, le Théâtre des 4 mains, l’Atrium 57 Gembloux, ékla – Centre scénique de Wallonie pour l’enfance et la jeunesse.

Spécial thanks to : cie Félicite Chazerand and Cie Modo Grosso for the scenography éléments of bobbins and ropes..

Document to download:

Production passage

Technical rider

Lady or Me

00_lady-or-me ©Elsie Smith
03_lady-or-me ©Elsie Smith
02_lady-or-me ©Elsie Smith.
04_lady-or-me ©Jym Daly
05_lady-or-me ©Alan Meban
06_lady-or-me ©Alan Meban
07_lady-or-me ©Elsie Smith.
08_lady-or-me_(c)_Alan Meban
09_lady-or-me ©Alan Meban
10_lady-or-me ©Jym Daly
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Lady or me is an ambivalent, dynamic and powerful Trapeze and Dance act. It combines circus lyricism with the brutal strength breakdance can display. In a word –  boum !

The show ends in applause. Under the noise of the claps fading out, I can hear myself breathing again – uh ! I quickly wipe out my face, take off the clothes.
I am finally one-on-one with the stage (what a bliss it is) ! I can choose now. 

Lady or me ? ….. Me !

  • Show for all ages.
  • Time : 8mn45
  • Creation 2017



With the support of  : Irish Arts Council, Creative Intensive du Irish Aerial Creation Center

Special thanks to : Chantal McCormick, Rachel Strickland, Aimee Hancock, New England Center for Circus Arts.

This act can be adapted to your needs and combined with others according to your event. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Document to download: 

Technical rider

Like Riding a Bike

01_Like_riding-a-bike ©Circo Price
03_Like_riding-a-bike ©Arte Alcobendas
06_Like_riding-a-bike ©Gaia Pascolo
08_Like_riding-a-bike ©Elsie Smith
10_Like_riding-a-bike ©Elsie Smith
04_Like_riding-a-bike ©Elsie Smith
07_Like_riding-a-bike ©Gran Gala Asaltos
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Like riding a bike is a Cyr wheel act with a touch of sweetness. For once,  Proust’s madeleine is not to be eaten but to be watched and felt. A child’s play. 

Have you ever felt it ? Childhood nostalgia ? Have you dealt with the longing feeling of lightness and carefreeness ? I bet you did.

On stage, Suzon and her wheel banter and swing just like two kids would tease and play. Here, the stage represents a playground for frivolity and mischief where trust is being tested.

  • Show for all ages.
  • Time : 6mn15
  • Creation 2017



Special thanks to: Krin Haglund, Mark Glover, my innerchild.

This act can be adapted to your needs and combined with others according to your event. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Document to download: 

Technical rider

La Solución dentro de ti

01_la-solution-dentre-de-ti ©TAC Vade[Ocio]
02_la-solution-dentre-de-ti ©Mark Morreau
03_la-solution-dentre-de-ti ©ESAC
03_la-solution-dentre-de-ti ©Mark Morreau
04_la-solution-dentre-de-ti ©ESAC
05_la-solution-dentre-de-ti ©TAC Vade[Ocio]
06_la-solution-dentre-de-ti ©Mark Morreau
07_la-solution-dentre-de-ti©Mark Morreau
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La solución dentro de ti is an act of weightless(ness).

Is this a Trapeze performance ? Is this a Vertical Dance act ? (principal infos)

In any case, it is a person who seems to be fighting against gravity just as one would fight against its own feelings to better control her emotions.

Because, here is the thing : I feel blocked, fixed, I am nothing but numb.  I am down in the dumps. In my paralysis, I cannot even hear the familiar voices of those who wish to bring me back to the surface. So I try to gain momentum, I back up, when I suddenly see it : this small door. It was just there, from the start. Right inside of me. 

I just needed to see it.

  • Show for all ages.
  • Time : 10 mn
  • Creation 2018



Special thanks to: Lindsey Butcher, European Aerial Dance Festival, Javier Jiménez.

This act can be adapted to your needs and combined with others according to your event. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Document to download: 

Technical rider